Female Adultery In Parashara Smriti

In Indian civilization, female in each varna is responsible for producing pure lineage. Such a lineage is responsible to carry on the traditions of their respective varna in the society. This way, society’s dharmic fabric remains unharmed as prescribed in various texts of Dharmashastra.

Arthashastra – Origin, Tradition and Veneration

नीतिशास्त्रामृतं धीमानर्थशास्त्रमहोदधेः l समुद्दध्रे नमस्तस्मै विष्णुगुप्ताय वेधसे ll (कामन्दकीय-नीतिसारः 1.6) [ Salutation to that wise Vishnugupt, who was proficient and also prudently collated the nectar in form of Niti-shastra from…